Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Oh Tuesday~

I'm feeling extremely inspired today....

With a birthday knocking on my doorstep, I'm forced to look back on all of my 20 something years.  I encourage everyone to do this (if you don't already) when your special day comes around each year.  I pay close attention to the past year and break it down with the highs and lows that I and my close, loved ones around me, endured.  Without a brag, I feel that I had one of the best years of my life.  I had the opportunity and pleasure of marrying my very best friend.  He not only stands beside me with {most} of my decisions, but he is there to level me in my extremes.  * side note:  I tend to be a bit dramatic. If I had to put a label on it, I'm the definition of a Type A personality.  Without getting too sappy, I would just like to thank him and let him know that even though I fail to show my appreciation sometimes, I do love and care for him with all of my heart and I hope that I am there for him as much as he is for me.  And then there is our amazingly handsome son, H.  He is the light in both of our lives.  I don't know how he manages, but he makes us laugh every single day.  I'm not talking a giggle or a smile, but a down right, gut jarring laugh.  He is the best gift that I have ever received.  If I never get anything on my birthday ever again, just make me laugh, H, that will be enough.
This is a short post, but I must get on with my day.  Have a wonder Tuesday and we will talk soon!

P.S.  With Spring blessing us with it's wonderful presence and Summer "just around the river bend", feel free to ask me styling advice.  I'm here to help!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

And we start.

Apparently my first blog, diary entry, somehow disappeared. I can sum it up in a few words so bare with me if this is repeated. I will use this as an outlook to the madness I like to call this brain full of wondered thoughts. I've always thought of blogging as a therapy session and have refused to pay the time...clearly I've decided that I can no longer hide. My goal is to inform my followers and myself of many different topics through my experiences. I have always had my hands in many different "pots". Finding the right pot that I belong to is the journey. I don't know if I will ever find exactly want I'm looking for but I'm enjoying the ride. I have an intense passion for fashion. Growing up in the Midwest, I've felt stunted in my growth. The search to find happiness career-wise has taken some time. There comes a point in one's that a leap of faith, hope, and support system must come in to play. I recently took that leap. Being extremely unhappy in my last position, I needed to make a change. When one part of you life isn't working, it starts to effect the other working parts in a negative way. I lived in absolute agony for 8 months, trying to keep myself together for my family and my sanity. I have always said, you must make yourself happy before you can worry about other's happiness, selfish but true. It was one of the toughest things that I have ever had to do but I left my cushy little job with a steady paycheck with no promise of an income in the future.... And the rest is history. Ha don't you wish it was that easy? Please follow me in this journey as I continue pursuing my dream, my passion, the love of fashion, home make overs, cooking, and whatever else I find that I love.